
Daily Prompt: Three Coins in the Fountain

If you’d like to write about it, here’s the link :D: Daily Prompt: Three Coins

The question they ask is the following, Have you ever tossed a coin or two into a fountain and made a wish? Did it come true?

I have many times, and the answer is yes and no. When I was little, I went to the well of St. Rose of Lima (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_of_Lima) where I wrote a wish and threw it in the well. What did I wish for? World Peace. Why did I wish for that? I don’t remember. But, it goes to show you it’s been about 20 years (I think) and I’m still waiting for World Peace. Will my wish ever come true? Perhaps not, but even though THAT wish didn’t, other wishes have been granted, thus reminding me of the wish we all make everyday; to have hope, to see hope, and to share hope. Not all wishes are meant to come true, and there is so much evil out there that it interjects the goodness that comes from our hearts. God or a fountain aren’t genies, and I’d rather have prayers or wishes “rejected and approved”, than to have 3 granted wishes I’ll regret later. Even though my wish for World Peace hasn’t come true yet, I can tell you that MY world now has Peace. I can’t complain 🙂

So, there’s my two cents (haha get it?). 

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